Saturday, March 01, 2008

Masons to Meet at Washington-on-the-Brazos

Donald W. Lemon, Worshipful Master of Washington Lodge No.18 A.F. & A.M. extends the following invitation to all Texas Masons to celebrate Texas Independence Day at the "Birthplace of Texas," Washington-on-the-Brazos. Washington Lodge No. 18 was originally charted by the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas on January 10, 1844.

"To all our Brethren:

Washington Lodge #18 A.F. & A.M. will be conducting its annual Texas Independence Day meeting at Washington on the Brazos State Park on Monday March 3, 2008. We are a day late this year for two reasons. First, Masons do not open lodge on Sunday; and secondly, though Texas independence was declared on March 2, 1836, the original Texas Declaration of Independence was not signed until March 3, 1836.

Lodge will open in Independence Hall at 11:00 am and will be closed at high twelve. Following the close of lodge we will adjourn to a nearby dining room for a catered lunch. The senior warden has not told us what the lunch will consist of, but I suspect it will be an excellent barbecue plate. The cost has been maintained at $15.00 as in previous years. We anticipate a wonderful day honoring our forefathers and visiting with old friends.

In the bonds of Freemasonry.

Donald W. Lemon, Worshipful Master"

Photograph: Independence Hall; Courtesy of Kameron Searle