Texas Sculptor Enrico Cerracchio |
Are you a descendant of Texas sculptor Enrico Cerracchio? I am researching Cerracchio for a book I am writing and I am looking for photographs and biographical information I can use for the book. In the book, Enrico Cerracchio will be featured prominently, especially his works in Texas. I have a basic outline of his biography from some online sources and a couple of books where he is briefly mentioned, but I am hoping for a more in-depth picture of the man and any photographs that have not been published before. I am especially interested in his work on the Sam Houston Monument (1923-1925). Please contact Kameron Searle at
ksearle1@pdq.net if you can help with this project. My mailing address is Kameron Searle, 21410 Park York, Katy, Texas 77450. Thank you.