Wednesday, December 21, 2016
John P. Coles' Description of the Boundary of Early Washington County in the Republic of Texas Including the Lake Creek Settlement
On one or two of my web sites about my research into the history of the Lake Creek Settlement I have included a transcription of Washington County Chief Justice John P. Coles' boundary description of Washington County, Texas from early 1837. I located my transcription in Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas by John Sayles, 1894, Abilene, Texas, St. Louis Missouri, The Gilbert Book Company, Pp. 930-931. I had always wondered if I would see an actual primary source for Coles' description dating from the period. And now I have.
Jim Tiller, Ph.D., Professor of Geography, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas did me a huge favor by sending me a copy of the document which he had located while conducting research for his forthcoming book. Dr. Tiller advises the citation is: Texas. Department of State. Executive Record Books. Letters Received, November 26, 1836-March 24, 1841, Pp. 27-28. The document is also an important primary source regarding the attempt to create a new county from the territory of Washington County. Washington County Chief Justice Coles is letting the Congress of the Republic of Texas know that he is opposed to the creation of a new county on the grounds that there is not enough population to justify it.
In a Joint Resolution passed by the Congress of the Republic of Texas and signed into law by President Sam Houston on December 17, 1836, the Chief Justice of each county in the Republic of Texas was required to provide a description of his county's boundaries to the Secretary of State by the first day of May 1837.
The description provided by Chief Justice Cole reads as follows:
"Jno. P. Coles
relative to
the boundar
ies of
Washington County
To the Hon. J. P. Henderson Secy of State
In compliance with a resolution of the Congress passed at their late session I have the honor to report to you such information as is in my possession respecting the boundary lines of the County of Washington. I know not whether the act of the Legislature of Coahuila & Texas organizing this County was ever published, but this Court has exercised undisputed jurisdiction over the territory included with the following boundaries. viz.
Beginning at the mouth of Caney Creek on the west bank of the Brazos River thence following said Creek to its source, thence west on the dividing ridge between the waters of New Years Creek & the principal or western fork of Mill Creek until it strikes the eastern line of the County of Mina and thence north on said eastern line of the County of Mina to the San Antonio Road, from thence following said road eastward crossing the Brazos River to the west bank of Trinity River, from thence following down said west bank to the County of Liberty (which is undefined) from thence following said northern line of Liberty to the north east corner of the County of Harrisburg, from thence following the north line of the County of Harrisburg to the north east corner of the the County of Austin, so as to include Lake Creek Settlement, from said north east corner of the County of Austin following the north line of Austin to the mouth of Ponn Creek on the east bank of the Brazos River, & thence up said east bank to a point opposite the mouth of Caney Creek & thence across the Brazos River to the place of beginning.
A Petition was before the last session of Congress & will be probably renewed at the next for a division of this County, from an examination of the foregoing limits upon the Map it will be seen to include a large Territory, but our population is small and ill able at present to bear the Taxes necessary for the erection of proper public buildings & the payment of other County expenses, under these circumstances it would I think be bad policy to divide the County until our population becomes more dense. I would therefore recommend the passage of an Act of Congress defining the boundaries of the County as set forth above or with such alteration as may be thought necessary.
I have the honor to be
very Respectfully
Your obt. Servt.
Jno. P. Coles
Chief Justice"
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Trammel's Trace: The First Road to Texas from the North by Gary L. Pinkerton
As I have not received a review copy of Gary Pinkerton's new book, Trammel's Trace, the information presented here is from the back cover of the book.
Trace tells the story of a borderland smuggler and an important passageway into
early Texas. Trammel’s Trace, named for Nicholas Trammell, was the first route
from the United States into the northern boundaries of Spanish Texas. From the
Great Bend of the Red River it intersected with El Camino Real de los Tejas in
Nacogdoches. By the early nineteenth century, Trammel’s Trace was largely a
smuggler’s trail that delivered horses and contraband into the region. It was a
microcosm of the migration, lawlessness, and conflict that defined the period.
By the 1820s, as Mexico gained independence from Spain, smuggling declined as
Anglo immigration became the primary use of the trail. Familiar names such as
Sam Houston, David Crockett, and James Bowie joined throngs of immigrants
making passage along Trammel’s Trace.
Indeed, Nicholas Trammell opened trading
posts on the Red River and near Nacogdoches, hoping to claim a piece of
Austin’s new colony. Austin denied Trammell’s entry, however, fearing his poor reputation
would usher in a new wave of smuggling and lawlessness. By 1826, Trammell was
pushed out of Texas altogether and retreated back to Arkansas. Even so, as
author Gary L. Pinkerton concludes, Trammell was “more opportunist than outlaw
and made the most of disorder.” GARY L. PINKERTON, the author of numerous
articles on East Texas history, resides in Houston. Red River Valley Books,
sponsored by Texas A&M University - Texarkana $35.00 cloth. 320 pp. 11
b&w photos. 10 maps. Bib. Index. Also available in ebook edition. Trammel's Trace is now available on Amazon."
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Book Review - The Perfect Pass: American Genius and the Reinvention of Football by S C. Gwynne
I usually
review books about Texas history or biographies about Texans who have done
something significant or unusually interesting. When I was asked to read and possibly review S. C. Gwynne’s
latest work The Perfect Pass: American Genius and the Reinvention of
Football, I almost begged off, as it appeared at first blush to be neither
a Texas history nor a biography of a Texan of note. I certainly had never heard
of Hal Mumme.
When the
review copy of The Perfect Pass arrived, I deigned to read the
introduction since I had thoroughly enjoyed Gwynn’s excellent history, Empire
of the Summer Moon. The introduction was very intriguing, so I went ahead
and read the first chapter, and after that I voraciously devoured the rest of
the book.
The Perfect
Pass is the story of how Hal Mumme, a Texas high
school coach, tried to figure out a way for his less athletic and less talented
football teams to defeat much bigger and better teams. Taking a lesson from the
story of David and Goliath, Mumme decided that the only way to defeat giants
was by going to the air. Using an entirely new offensive system with an
obsessive emphasis on the passing game and by honing techniques that he begged,
borrowed or stole from others, Mumme then perfected what would later become
known as the “Air Raid.”
His teams
began to defeat teams that were much better on paper by lopsided scores on the
playing field. If this were not enough,
he began to seek out even bigger and tougher giants to crush with the Air
Raid. As Mumme’s teams racked up
unbelievable passing yardage and huge scores, football coaches across the
country were forced to take notice of Mumme and his almost mysterious offensive
A soon to be inspirational self help classic, The Perfect Pass: American Genius and the Reinvention of Football has a scheduled publication date of September 20, 2016, and will be available from Scribner. The book should make for a very inspirational movie. We at the Texas History Page can't wait.
Monday, August 01, 2016
Book Review - Texas Ranger, The Epic Life of Frank Hamer, The Man Who Killed Bonnie and Clyde
Texas Ranger, The Epic Life of Frank Hamer, The Man Who Killed Bonnie and Clyde is the best biography of a single Texas Ranger I have ever read. As my readers know, I am a big fan of historians who rely on primary sources and John Boessenecker has done an incredible amount of research into previously unexplored archival sources. Usually books on the Texas Rangers are collections of the same well worn stories repeated over and over again. In some of these you might find a couple of paragraphs relating the same old stories about Frank Hamer, but that is about it. From a Texas Ranger on horseback in the Texas Hill Country, to fighting bandits on the Texas border, to the killing of Bonnie and Clyde on the backroads of Louisiana, to Hamer's later years, Boessenecker brings us an incredibly detailed picture of the man who became a Texas and an American legend. Texas Ranger, The Epic Life of Frank Hamer, The Man Who Killed Bonnie and Clyde is the most complete biography of a Texas Ranger ever produced. Boessenecker’s detailed description of the killing of Bonnie and Clyde is also the most detailed description of this event I have ever read and is worth the price of the book all by itself. But there is so much more, lots more! Many hours of fascinating reading about at least two distinct periods in Texas history that are now gone forever.
Published by Thomas Dunne Books and available at Amazon and fine book stores everywhere. Review by Kameron K. Searle
Monday, July 18, 2016
Texas Heritage Society - September 8, 2016 Quarterly Meeting - Featuring Dr. Caroline Crimm
Quarterly Meeting
How Bernardo de Galvez helped win the American Revolution
The Texas Heritage Society will be holding their next quarterly meeting at the Woodlands Community Center located at 2235 Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, Texas on Thursday, September 8, 2016. The meeting is open to the public and will feature Dr. Caroline Crimm, Professor of History at Sam Houston State University, who will speak to us about the fascinating story of how Bernardo de Galvez the namesake of Galveston, Texas helped win the American Revolution. Dr. Crimm has provided the following teaser about her much anticipated talk,
"Everyone has heard of Galveston, but did you know that the man for whom it was named helped George Washington win the American Revolution? Bernardo de Galvez spent 2 years (1777-1779) outwitting the British by sending supplies up the Mississippi in secret to General Washington, then spent the next three years (1779-1781) beating the British soundly on the Mississippi and in the Gulf of Mexico, leading to Washington's victory at Yorktown. It is a fascinating and little known story of a Spanish Patriot who helped create the United States."
Everyone is welcome. The motto of the Texas Heritage Society is "Discover, Understand and Preserve." The Texas Heritage Society, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting awareness and appreciation of Texas' rich and unique history. It is based in The Woodlands, Texas.
"Everyone has heard of Galveston, but did you know that the man for whom it was named helped George Washington win the American Revolution? Bernardo de Galvez spent 2 years (1777-1779) outwitting the British by sending supplies up the Mississippi in secret to General Washington, then spent the next three years (1779-1781) beating the British soundly on the Mississippi and in the Gulf of Mexico, leading to Washington's victory at Yorktown. It is a fascinating and little known story of a Spanish Patriot who helped create the United States."
Everyone is welcome. The motto of the Texas Heritage Society is "Discover, Understand and Preserve." The Texas Heritage Society, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting awareness and appreciation of Texas' rich and unique history. It is based in The Woodlands, Texas.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Lake Creek Settlement High School - Montgomery Independent School District
Over the last decade, new historical research has
uncovered many significant and previously forgotten facts regarding the town and the county’s earliest history. Most notable among these was the rediscovery
of the Lake Creek Settlement. The Lake Creek Settlement was a settlement of
Anglo-American settlers in Austin’s Colony located between the west fork of the
San Jacinto River (now dammed to form Lake Conroe) and the stream known as Lake
Creek. These settlers from the United States received land from Empresario
Stephen F. Austin in 1831 as an incentive to leave the United States and settle
in his colony which was then located in the Mexican State of Coahuila y
Tejas. Heads of households in Austin’s
Colony at this time each received a League of land (4,428.4 acres). By 1833,
the area these colonists had settled had become known as the Lake Creek

In 1835, W. W. Shepperd established a store in
center of the Lake Creek settlement near the intersection of three important
roads or traces. During the Texas
Revolution, a number of the men from the Lake Creek Settlement volunteered to
fight for Texas’ independence from Mexico (1835-1836). One of these men, John
Marshall Wade, manned the famous Twin Sisters canons during the Battle of San
Jacinto when Texas won her independence on April 21, 1836. Wade would later
publish the first newspaper in Montgomery appropriately named the Montgomery
In the year following Texas independence, W. W.
Shepperd founded the town of Montgomery at the site of his store in the center
of the Lake Creek Settlement. Five
months later, Republic of Texas President Sam Houston signed the act creating
Montgomery County on December 14, 1837. On March 1, 1838, the county government
was organized in the town of Montgomery and the town of Montgomery was selected
to be the first county seat of Montgomery County.
It is important to note that the Lake Creek
Settlement comprised almost exactly the same geographic area as the Montgomery Independent
School District does today.
Historians and many others believe naming the new
high school after the Lake Creek Settlement would be a wonderful way to
remember the area’s history and honor the memory of the those brave colonists
and settlers who left the comfort and security of their homes in the United
States to seek an uncertain but potentially better future in Austin’s Colony in
Mexico and later the Republic of Texas.
Their efforts, struggles, and battles laid the very foundation upon
which Texas is built today. Billy Ray
Duncan, President of the Montgomery Historical Society supports the idea to
name the new high school after the Lake Creek Settlement, “Before there was a
school district, before there was a county, before there was a town; there was
the Lake Creek Settlement - a truly unique naming opportunity for MISD.” The
school’s mascot would be easy enough – “Patriots.”
On January 29, 2016, the Texas Historical
Commission approved a Texas Historical marker for the Lake Creek Settlement
which will be dedicated in late 2016 or early 2017.
For more information about the
Lake Creek Settlement, see
or visit the Lake Creek Settlement page on Wikipedia. Also see The Early History of Montgomery, Texas. Or click here to read the Historical Narrative in support of the Texas Historical Commission marker for the Lake Creek Settlement which was approved on January 29, 2016.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Confederate Memorial & Ben Thompson Book - Saturday, April 16, 2016
On April 16, 2016, at 10:00 am at Oakwood Cemetery, in Austin, Texas, SCV Camp Littlefield #59, will unveil a Memorial for all Confederates buried at Oakwood Cemetery. Following the cemetery light refreshments will be served at the Austin History Center. At the Austin History Center, there will also be a book launch for Austin’s Confederate, gambler, gunfighter, and City Marshal Ben Thompson - Life and Adventures of Ben Thompson: The Famous Texan. There will be a book panel with author Major Buck Walton’s great-granddaughter and Ben Thompson’s great-granddaughter and authors Chuck Parsons and Lisa Lach.
Files for all the Confederate Veterans including Civil War Records are being donated to the Austin History Center.
Hope everyone can make it.
See for more information.
Monday, April 11, 2016
2016 Confederate Memorial Day Ceremony - Montgomery, Texas
Frank Johnson has forwarded an invitation to the 2016 Confederate Memorial Day ceremony being conducted by the Capt. Thomas J. Peel Camp #2268, Sons of Confederate Veterans, being held in conjunction with Maj. General Patrick Cleburne's 7th Texas Infantry Camp #2182, Sons of Confederate Veterans; Montgomery Rose 47, Texas Society Order of Confederate Rose; and The Woodlands Rose 53, Texas Society Order of Confederate Rose.
All members of the public interested in Texas and Confederate history are welcomed to attend the 2016 Confederate Veterans Memorial Day Ceremony to be held at the Old Baptist Church Building (currently the Church of Christ), at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, April 16th, 2016, located at 301 Pond Street, Montgomery, Texas (corner of Caroline and Pond Streets). The ceremony will be followed by the chartering ceremony for the new Capt. Thomas J. Peel Camp #2268, Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Monday, February 29, 2016
For Want of a Texas Education
When I was a kid growing up in Texas in the 1960’s and 70’s, every Texas school student was taken on one or two “field trips” to historical sites around Texas. Throughout the school year, buses loaded with children from all over Texas headed for these sites sacred to the history of Texas. We went to the Alamo, we went to the San Jacinto Battlefield, and we went to Washington-on-the-Brazos. Schools don’t seem to do that anymore. I guess it’s not on the STAAR test, so it must not be deemed important enough to teach. Not one of my four children was ever taken to visit any of these historic sites by their schools in order to learn those aspects of their history and their culture which are so distinctly Texan.
As my children’s education was found lacking, I made sure
that they visited all of these sites and knew who James Bowie, William Barret
Travis, David Crockett, Sam Houston, and the 59 signers of the Texas
Declaration of Independence were and how they laid down the foundation upon
which the Texas of today was built.
Texas Independence Day, March 2, used to be a holiday in
Texas and every school child in Texas was given the day off to visit these
sites revered in Texas history. Texas Independence Day marks the anniversary of
the day that Texas declared its independence, ceased to be part of Mexico and
became an independent nation – The Republic of Texas. Alas, Texas Independence Day has not been celebrated as a school
holiday for many decades.
If you are a brand new Texan or a 7th generation
Texan and would like to further your education of what it means to be a Texan,
then you, your children, and your grandchildren should go out to
Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site on Saturday and Sunday, March 5
and 6, 2016, for the Texas Independence Day Celebration. Learn your history at The Star of the
Republic Museum, the only museum in Texas dedicated exclusively to the study of
the Texas Revolutionary and Republic of Texas periods (1830’s-1840’s). Visit Barrington Living History Farm and
walk through the original plantation home of Anson Jones, the last president of
the Republic of Texas and the man most responsible for the annexation of Texas
by the United States of America. Then, go to Independence Hall and stand on the
exact spot where the founding fathers of Texas bravely and unanimously adopted
the Texas Declaration of Independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836 while the
battle of the Alamo was still raging.
Independence Hall, the Star of the Republic Museum and Barrington
Living History Farm are all free on March 5 and 6, 2016 during the Texas
Independence Day Celebration. There
will be plenty of music, food, historical re-enactors, artisans, vendors, etc.
Located between Brenham and Navasota, it’s a short day trip. Don’t wait for a
bus. Go and stand on the exact spot where Texas became Texas and be proud that
you are a Texan!
Friday, January 29, 2016
Second Annual Frontier Families of Texas Symposium
The Republic of Texas Museum
presents Second Annual Frontier Families of Texas Symposium on February
25, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Austin Club 110 E. 9th Street Austin, Texas. Buffet Luncheon is $75.00. Presenters will be Dr.
Carolina Crimm speaking about “DeLeon, A Tejano Family History;” Mary M. McAllen speaking about “I Would Rather Sleep in Texas - McAllen Family;” and James
Haley speaking on the “Texas Hill Country.” Reservations can be made by
PayPal on
or send a $75 check to: Republic of Texas Museum, 510 East Anderson Lane,
Austin, Texas 78752.
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